
Residents couldn’t be happier to live in this great community surrounded by neighbors who love to stay connected and make North Harbour the best neighborhood to live in. North Harbour has many ways to stay connected with one another. The "Music in the Park" series is very popular in the summer and Christmas Caroling in the winter. We have several clubs for residents to join if they want to connect more with neighbors with the same interests.  North Harbour is also the home of the Harbour Trees Golf & Beach Club where many residents are members. Check out our individual links to the left for more information.  You can use the 'Upcoming Events' area to help quickly plan your schedule.  Please feel free to contact any of the board members for assistance if you are new to our neighborhood or already a resident with a question.


Attention: Banbury Park Closure/Construction
Posted on Aug 7th, 2024
Dear Neighbors,
The NHPOA is excited to announce construction is beginning soon on our Banbury Park Renovation Project.  This has been years in the planning and we are excited to be starting the project this September. A full renovation of the layout and equipment will be taking place at Banbury Park. 

It is very important for the safety of our residents, as well as construction workers that the park remain closed for the entire renovation.  The closure will begin on Monday, August 12 and remain closed until further notice. The area will be clearly marked with caution tape and signs will be posted of this closure.  Please tell your children they must not play in the construction site.  We will have cameras and increased patrol to ensure safety during this process. Thank you for understanding and we are thrilled to have this opportunity to better North Harbour with this project.
All the best,
NHPOA Board of Directors
Financial Reporting Note
Posted on Jul 16th, 2024
Dear Neighbors,
The board typically posts the financials for the Association on the website each month.  However, as part of our transition to the new Management company we are working with them on a new format for this report that is more readable and useful for anyone who would like to see them.  As such we have not posted for the months of May and June as of yet.  We plan to post the new reports as soon as we have the new report worked out with Trent Management.  We appreciate your patience as we have worked through the transition to the new company.
Kind Regards,
NHPOAI Board of Directors
Summer Newsletter
Posted on Jun 5th, 2024
Dear Neighbors,
The newest edition of Northern Lights is now published.  You may access it from the link below.  It is also being emailed as well.
Thank you,
NHPOA Board of Directors
New Homeowners Portal
Posted on May 9th, 2024
Dear Neighbors,
We have now transitioned to a new Management Company, Trent Management.   Part of the benefit of this new company is a homeowner portal.  Click on the link below to access the new portal.  In the new portal you will have access to such things as community documents, your account history, a community directory and the ability to pay online.  Please review your profile information and select the permissions you wish to have displayed for the directory.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Dustin Smith our Community Manager (dsmith@trentmgmt.com).
Thank you,
NHPOAI Board of Directors
Regents Park Sale Proposal - Vote Results
Posted on Oct 25th, 2023
Dear Neighbors,
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to join the meeting last night.  We appreciate everyone giving their thoughts on the proposal.  After all the votes were tallied the final result was 274 in favor and 56 against.  The motion to move forward with the proposed sale has passed.  The board will be moving forward with the necessary paperwork to finalize as soon as possible per the neighborhood's direction.  We'll keep the neighborhood updated as things progress.
Final Tally:
274 In Favor
56 Against
Again thank you to everyone who took the time to cast a vote.
Thank you,
NHPOAI Board of Directors
Regents Park Proposal
Posted on Oct 4th, 2023
Dear Neighbors,
We have now published all details regarding the proposed sale of Regents Park on the website (link below).  We have also mailed a copy of the Cover Letter, Letter from Harbour Trees regarding their intent, Summary of the Proposal as well as a Proxy Ballot to all eligible voting members of the NHPOA.  There will be a meeting on Tuesday October 24th at 6pm in the Harbour Trees Main Clubhouse Ballroom to answer any questions as well as to take vote on the proposal.  If you have any questions prior to the meeting please direct to Carol Rice of Ardsley Management at carol@ardsleymgmt.com and she will forward to the board.
Thank you,
NHPOA Board of Directors
Trash Receptacle Guidance
Posted on Nov 25th, 2022
Just a reminder to residents around Trash Receptacles.  Please see guidance doc linked here for general guidance.
Amendment 14
Posted on Aug 10th, 2021
Information regarding Amendment 14 can be viewed at the link below.


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Upcoming Events

NHPOA February Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 18th, 6:00 PM at HT Main Ballroom & Zoom
NHPOA March Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 18th, 6:00 PM at HT Main Ballroom & Zoom